Let’s talk about having reliable color and interest in our Southern landscapes year-round. That sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? To have many things blooming in the dead humid heat of August and also colorful blooms in the middle of winter! See below for some of our favorite perennials, annuals, and shrubs that add big punches of color. By adding one or two from each season's list below, you'll be adding interest all year through.

Lenten Rose; perennial (also known as Christmas Rose)
Pansies; annual
Coral Bells; perennial (no flower in winter, but colorful foliage year round)
‘Arctic Fire’ dogwood; shrub (beautiful brilliant red twigs in the winter)
Camellia; shrub
Late winter/early spring:
Crocus bulbs; perennial (must be planted the fall before)
Daffodil bulbs; perennial (must be planted the fall before)
Camellia; shrub
Pansies; annual
Forsythia; shrub
Flowering Quince; shrub
Loropetalum; shrub
Tulip bulbs; perennial (must be planted the fall before)
Bleeding Heart; perennial
Astilbe; perennial
Azalea; shrub

Late spring/early summer:

Rose; shrub
Daylily; perennial
Hydrangea; shrub
Black Eyed Susan; perennial
Coneflower; perennial
Butterfly Bush; shrub
Veronica; perennial
Spring/Summer annuals blooming

Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’; perennial
Chrysanthemums; perennial
Aster; perennial
Pansies; annual
Spirea; shrub
Burning Bush; shrub