Does anyone else geek out about fall or is it just us here at the nursery? Okay, we know we definitely aren't the only ones. Between anticipating 'pumpkin spice everything' to be e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e (oh yum), and filling our Pinterest page with cozy outdoor fall ideas (bonfires and camping, anyone?), we know we southerners can get excited about the upcoming new season. Did you know you can get excited about fall by visiting your local nursery? Oh yes, you can! Now is the time to come by and see what you'd like to plant this fall, because fall is the absolute best time to plant trees and shrubs. Today, let's share some plants to get excited about that add beauty and interest in autumn!
Maples, of course! Everyone loves a tall, glorious tree that's showcasing oodles of color during autumn. Maples love full sun and of course, provide a lot of shade as they mature. These are some to look for at the Garden Center:

Say, what? Crape Myrtles bloom in summer! You're so right, they do. But they bloom until mid-late September in most cases, and many varieties have really pretty fall foliage!
Dawn Redwoods: (Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Ogon')
Another tree with magnificent fall foliage. This large tree grows to be 100' tall and up to 25' wide. Dawn Redwoods are deciduous trees that have beautiful fall foliage! Their intricate leaves add interest to a landscape also. The coniferous tree grows into a conical shape as it matures.
Burning Bush: (Euonymus alatus 'Rudy Hagg')
This variety grows to be only 3-5' tall and wide, making it a great addition to even smaller garden spaces. Burning bush love full to mostly sunny locations and are overall easy-to-care for. They are prized for their bright red foliage in fall.
Ninebark: (Physocarpus opulifolius 'Tiny Wine')
There are many varieties of Ninebark but this one is a favorite at the Garden Center. It has dark purple foliage which pops well against other plants in the garden. Plant it near 'Autumn Joy' Sedum for a spectacular color display in fall. This is a dwarf variety of Ninebark; reaching only 3-4' tall and wide.
Evergreen trees and shrubs ('Emerald' Arborvitae, 'Green Giant' Arborvitae, 'Brodie' Juniper, 'Dee Runk' Boxwood, 'Soft Touch' Holly- just to name a few!)! Evergreens do not typically provide the golden hues of autumn, but they provide a wonderful backdrop for other trees, shrubs, and perennials to shine.
And don't think you only have trees and shrubs to get excited about! There are many perennials that also show off their beauty during fall!

'Autumn Joy' and 'Autumn Fire' Sedum
And then there are Pansies, Violas, and Ornamental Grasses, but they will be showcased all on their own in our upcoming posts.
We highlighted just a few fall favorites today, but now we would love to hear from you! What are some of your favorite plants that add fall interest? Share below!