Fountains are often made with materials that can withstand differing temperatures, however, if temperatures rapidly decline or fall below 32 degrees (which we will surely have this winter), take these steps to protect your fountain from cold temperatures.

How to Prepare Your Fountain for Winter:
Bring inside if possible. This is the best way to protect your fountain, but we know not everyone can physically move their fountain to their garage in the winter.
If you cannot bring your fountain indoors, cover it and keep it in a dry location.
Move all working parts inside. Internal components, such as tubing, motors, lights, stoppers, pumps, etc. should be brought into your garage or home for winter. If you choose to keep your pump in your fountain for winter, be sure the pump is dry and then cover it with plastic bags and a towel (to ensure it continues to stay dry).
Completely drain your fountain. Remove the drain plugs to be sure no water accumulates during winter.
If you keep your fountain outside during winter, try to elevate it a bit if possible, as fountains can freeze to the ground and can cause cracking.
If leaving your fountain outside, cover it to protect it from wet winter conditions. Do not cover it with plastic. You need to use a breathable material and make sure it is taut over the fountain, so snow or water can't collect. Tie the cover at the bottom of the fountain to keep it snug against the wind.

To winterize outdoor pots: Many pots are made to withstand cold temperatures but some cannot. Plastic pots are fine to stay outside, but clay and terracotta pots must be brought indoors. Ceramic pots can sometimes stay outdoors in winter, however, we still recommend bringing them indoors if possible to prevent cracking.