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Plants that Need to be Pruned in Spring

🌿📣🌿PRO TIP: Forsythia, flowering Quince (shown above), Yoshino cherry trees, Kwanzan cherry trees, deciduous Magnolias- if you plan to prune any of these trees or shrubs, it's time! 🌸

🌸You want to prune spring-blooming deciduous trees & shrubs after they've finished blooming because these plants begin to form new buds for next year inside their stems during the hot summer months. If you wait to prune these plants in fall, you will be unintentionally cutting off a lot of their buds for next year (you can't see the buds because they're still forming inside the stems).

🌸Shrubs such as Forsythia & flowering Quince that have a graceful, natural shape to them should be pruned back by 1/3 each year. You will prune 1/3 of the stems back to the ground. That will thin it out a good bit & also allow it to keep its weeping shape it's known for.

🌸Ask us any questions about pruning at the nursery- we're happy to help!

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