Poinsettias are here! In vibrant colors of red, pink, and white, they truly transform the inside of our greenhouse into a Christmas wonderland. Many people love this holiday staple and we are here to share several tips to help you care for yours this season.

Care Tips:
Poinsettias are tropical flowers and therefore need to stay indoors. When you pick yours out at the nursery, you'll even notice the inside of our greenhouse is warm and toasty where they are; they need that warmth to stay happy and healthy.
When you place yours inside, avoid placing them near cold drafts (such as near a door that is frequently opened and shut). Also avoid the air vent from blowing directly on them.
Poinsettias do not like their roots to be consistently wet. Water them well and then wait several days before watering again. If the plant feels heavy when you pick it up, it probably doesn't need watering quite yet.

Ideas of Where to Place a Poinsettia in Your Home:
On your mantle or hearth
In a guest bedroom where loved ones can enjoy it during their visit (it can also be a gift for them to take home with them!)
Apart of your Thanksgiving or Christmas tablescape. Taking this idea one step further: you could use our mini Poinsettias and place one at each family member's spot at the table- a special little present they could take home with them after a delightful meal.

(Above: You can see where I added just one perfectly pink Poinsettia to my dining room table for the holiday season- the pink is my favorite!)
Poinsettias are also a nice holiday gift idea for co-workers, teachers, coaches, housewarming parties and more. Share with us on Instagram your favorite people to gift this holiday flower to, or your favorite place to display them in your home during the holidays! We hope you're having a wonderful holiday season and look forward to seeing you at the nursery again soon.