Fall is the perfect time to plant trees and shrubs! It's technically the best time to plant almost all trees and shrubs, because it gives new plants time to become acquainted with its new soil and environment before spring and summer growth months.

Did you also know that fall is typically our driest season in Middle Tennessee?
We've had a very dry summer and are experiencing a dry fall so far. You need to water even established trees and shrubs this fall if we aren't receiving adequate rainfall.
How to water newly planted B&B trees:
Newly planted trees and shrubs (planted within the past year), ought to be deeply watered every 3-4 days this fall, when we aren't receiving adequate rainfall. We recommend placing a hose at the base of the tree or shrub and watering at a very slow stream of water for approximately 20-30 minutes. Morning is the best time to water, followed by evening. Alternatively, you can purchase tree gators at the nursery that will go around the base of the tree and slowly release water for several days. This is optimal if you have trees you can't reach with a hose, or don't have time to water new trees.

Most deciduous B&B trees are now 50% off!* These are spring-dug trees from our tree fields and include Maples, Oaks, and more!
*excludes Crape Myrtles, Japanese Maples, and evergreens